New York based photographer Flaviu Nasarimba has received industry recognition for his approach to product advertisement photography. His work is based on a conceptual approach to the jewelry, fashion accessory and household appliance categories.

   Flaviu also loves to photograph portraits because he believes that portraiture preserves a noble, timeless countenance. His photographic interest also includes fashion, where his vision is always focused on emphasizing the geometry of the garments. Nevertheless, Flaviu enjoys photographing special events because for him, capturing the precious moments in ones life is priceless.

  It is this very subject range that allows him to bring a sensibility to each category that is truly unlike his contemporaries. His style is to awaken the image through vetting a harmonious flow of association of shape and color.

  Flaviu worked as a freelance graphic designer for a few years prior to his move to New York City, where he began documenting every place in the large city that he found interesting and his childhood passion for photography was reignited. Soon after he applied and was accepted to the State University of New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology where he began studying photography at a professional level.


Fotograf cu resedinta in New York, USA, Flaviu Nasarimba a primit recunoastere in domeniul fotografiei comerciale de produs. Stilul sau fotografic este bazat pe idei conceptuale in ilustratea bijuteriilor, acesoriilor si al produselor de us caznic.

Flaviu iubeste sa fotografieze portrete pentru ca pentru el un portret prezerva pentru tot deauna trasaturile nobile individuale ale fiecarei persoane la un moment in timp.

Flaviu este de asemenea interesat in a fotografia moda, unde viziunea pesonala este focalizata pe geometria hainelor pentru a fi puse intr-o lumina unica.

Cuprinzand o gama larga de fotografie in portofoliul sau, Flaviu are un stil fotografic peronalizat in care culorile si formele convietuiesc armonios.

Flaviu a lucrat ca si graphic designer cativa ani inainte de a se muta la New York. Acolo a inceput fotografia prin a documenta locurile prin care ajungea in marele New York; in acest fel dragostea fata de arta si fotografie a renascut. Flaviu a absovit facultatea de fotografie din cadrul universitatii Fashion Institute of Technology unde a studiat arta fotografica timp de 4 ani.